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Zesty Indian Grilled Cheese Sandwich

By: Tapan
Region: Indian
Dish:Vegetarian - Breakfast/Tiffins/Snacks
Main Ingredient: Red peppers, Jalapeno Jack Cheese


* 3 slices grilled Red peppers
* 3 slices grilled Yellow peppers
* 3 slices grilled Red onions
* 2 slices of Jalapeno Jack Cheese
* 2 slices of Mozzarella cheese
* 2 slices of Foccacia bread
* Butter for spreading and basting


Butter both sifes of the 2 Foccacia bread slices generously. Place one slice in a frying pan. Note do not place the pan on burner yet. Layer the bread with a 1 slice of Jalapeno Jack cheese slice, 1 Mozzarella cheese slice. Spread 1/3 cup potato mix. Alteranate the red, and yellow grilled peppers with the red onions. Now lay 1 slice of Jalapano Cheese and I slice of the Mozzrellla cheese slice. Top with second bread slice.

Place stacked sandwich on medium heat. Flip carefully when crispy and brown. Cook till both sides are golden brown and crisp. Slice each sandwich diagonally, creating 2 triangles. Yummy. Serve with fresh fruit or a salad.

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